Bengaluru, January 9: In a shocking incident, a 40-year-old man killed his wife by slitting her throat with a machete after suspecting her of infidelity in Bengaluru. The accused, Gangaraju, then turned on his 19-year-old daughter and 23-year-old niece, killing them when they tried to intervene, thinking they were supporting his wife. Following the brutal murders at his home in Jalahalli, Bengaluru, Gangaraju walked into Peenya police station carrying the blood-stained weapon and confessed to his crimes.
Gangaraju, a home guard with Hebbagodi police station, was arrested on Wednesday evening, January 8, after confessing to the gruesome murders of his wife, daughter, and niece. According to a report by The Times of India, the chilling events unfolded when Gangaraju, in a fit of rage over his suspicions about his wife Bhagya’s infidelity, attacked her with a machete. The violent assault occurred in the afternoon at their rented home in Chokkasandra, Jalahalli, Bengaluru. As Navya and Hemavati tried to intervene, they were also brutally attacked by Gangaraju, who slit their throats. Bengaluru Shocker: Man and Associate Arrested for Blackmailing, Threatening Boyfriend With Private Photos and Videos.
After committing the murders, Gangaraju called the police control room, expressing his desire to surrender. Officers immediately responded and found the three women’s bodies at the house. Gangaraju had been living with his wife and the two victims in the rented house for six years. Bhagya, a homemaker, was married to Gangaraju, while Navya was a first-year degree student, and Hemavati worked at a private firm. Bengaluru Shocker: Tuition Teacher Kidnaps 15-Year-Old Student Over 'Love,' Goes Missing for 44 Days; Arrested.
In his confession, Gangaraju admitted to being deeply suspicious of Bhagya’s relationship and frequently fought with her over the issue. The Times of India reported that the domestic tensions escalated to a point where, in a moment of uncontrollable anger, Gangaraju attacked his wife first. When the two young women intervened, they became victims of the same brutal assault as he thought they were supporting her. Gangaraju remains in police custody, and investigations are continuing.
Women and Child Helpline Numbers:
Childline India – 1098; Missing Child and Women – 1094; Women’s Helpline – 181; National Commission for Women Helpline – 112; National Commission for Women Helpline Against Violence – 7827170170; Police Women and Senior Citizen Helpline – 1091/1291.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 09, 2025 12:43 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website