Bengaluru, July 28: A seemingly trivial disagreement over a Doberman dog has led to a horrifying attack in Bengaluru. This shocking scenario unfolded on July 24 in Anandapuram, Mysuru Road, when a 23-year-old man named Darshan was brutally assaulted by his friend Deepu. The dispute, which had been escalating for days, culminated in violence when Deepu, unable to persuade Darshan to part with the Doberman dog, resorted to a brutal machete attack. The police have registered a case against Deepu, who is currently at large while Darshan is undergoing medical treatment for his leg.
According to a report by the Times of India, the conflict began several days earlier when Deepu started pressuring Darshan to give up his family’s Doberman. Despite Darshan’s refusal, he offered Deepu a puppy when their dog had a litter. Deepu, however, was not satisfied with this offer. On the day of the incident, Deepu lured Darshan to an isolated area under the pretence of having a conversation. When Darshan once again refused to give up the dog, the argument escalated. Bengaluru Shocker: 2 Customers Thrashed With Rods, Helmets and Umbrellas by Bouncers at Arbor Brewing Company Pub in Ashok Nagar; 4 Arrested After Videos and Photos Go Viral.
Deepu reportedly slapped Darshan, who retaliated, leading to a physical altercation. In a fit of rage, Deepu pulled out a machete and attacked Darshan’s right leg, inflicting severe injuries. Local residents, alarmed by the commotion, quickly alerted Darshan’s family. Darshan was rushed to Victoria Hospital, but after being redirected to multiple hospitals, he was finally admitted to a private facility in Chamarajpet. Doctors there are now working to save his severely injured leg. Bengaluru Shocker: 3-Year-Old Dies After Mother’s Boyfriend Allegedly Assaults Him for Being ‘An Obstacle’ in Their Relationship, Arrested.
Prameela, Darshan’s mother, recounted how doctors at Sanjay Gandhi Hospital had initially suggested amputating his leg due to the severity of the injury. The Chamarajpet police have registered a case under Section 109 (attempt to murder) of the Bharatiya Nyay Sanhita (BNS), 2023, against Deepu and have formed a special team to apprehend the absconding him.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 28, 2024 06:07 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website