Bengaluru, August 25: A 28-year-old man allegedly killed his childhood friend's father after she turned down his marriage proposal. The incident took place on Tuesday in Bettanagere in Bengaluru Rural district of Karnataka. The accused, identified as Naresh Kumar, also attacked the girl's brother. After the murder, Naresh and his two aides are absconding. The deceased is H Nagappa, a resident of Kuvempunagar in Bettanagere. Bengaluru Man Kills Wife After She Refuses to Cook Chicken Fry For Him; Arrested.

Early on Monday evening, Naresh proposed Nagappa's daughter Aarti (name changed) saying he wished to marry her, according to a report by Times of India. Aarti was Naresh's childhood friend and their families also knew each other. However, Aarti rejected his proposal. At night, Naresh once again reached Aarti's house, but he was sent back by her parents, the report added. Bengaluru: Girl Dies by Suicide After Parents Refuse To Buy New Dress for Her Birthday.

Naresh suspected that Aarti had turned down his proposal because of her father. Early Tuesday morning when Nagappa was riding pillion with his son Sagar towards bus stand, Naresh and his associates allegedly stopped their bike and attacked Nagappa with iron rod. When Sagar intervened to save his father, he was also attacked by the accused and his aides.

"After Nagappa fell down, the suspects sped away on a bike. Sagar called for an ambulance, Nagappa breathed his last before the vehicle could arrive," an official was quoted as saying. Nagappa is survived by his wife, son and daughter. Police have registered a case against Naresh and his associates and a search was underway to nab all the accused.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 25, 2021 01:12 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website