Bengaluru, August 18: A woman was allegedly sexually assaulted in the wee hours of Sunday by an unknown biker whom she had hitchhiked, a senior police officer said. According to the Additional Commissioner of Police (East Zone) Raman Gupta, the woman, who is a final year degree student in a city college, was returning home to Hebbagodi after a get-together in Koramangala. Bengaluru Shocker: Youth Attacks Man With Machete for Talking Aloud While Smoking Outside Bakery in Hosakerehalli, Arrested.

"A man from whom she had taken a ‘lift' made a criminal assault and raped her. We have registered a rape case and started an investigation," Gupta told reporters here. He said prima facie it appeared she had gone for a get-together in Koramangala. "There is only one suspect. The man who gave her a lift is suspected to be the rapist and our investigations are on," the officer said. Bengaluru Shocker: Woman Strangles Three-Year-Old Autistic Daughter to Death, Leaves Confession Note at Crime Scene; Arrested.

According to Gupta, he and other police officers visited the spot and spoke to the victim and her relatives. "We gathered all the information and have formed five teams. We are carrying out the investigation further and soon the culprit will be arrested," he added.

Women and Child Helpline Numbers:

Childline India – 1098; Women’s Helpline – 181; National Commission for Women Helpline – 112; National Commission for Women Helpline Against Violence – 7827170170; Police Women / Senior Citizen Helpline – 1091/ 1291; Missing Child and Women – 1094.)