Bengaluru, August 3: In a shocking incident, a 40-year-old man broke into his in-law's home in Chamarajpet and stabbed his wife to death for refusing to return home. The man committed the crime when the woman was alone at her parent's home on Friday, August 2. After committing the act, he recorded a video threatening others not to file a case against him and uploaded it on Facebook before fleeing. The victim, a mother of two, had been living with her mother after her husband's previous arrest. The suspect is currently at large, and police are actively searching for him.

According to a report by the Times of India, the suspect, identified as Tabrez Pasha, a resident of Siddapura, committed the crime after his wife had refused multiple attempts to reconcile. Pasha, who was previously arrested on robbery charges, found his wife alone at home as her two children were at school, and her mother was out at the market. After the attack, Pasha recorded a video in which he threatened his mother-in-law and others not to file any case against him, then uploaded it on Facebook before fleeing the scene. Bengaluru Shocker: Woman From Bihar Stabbed to Death in Koramangala PG Accommodation, Police Suspect Boyfriend’s Involvement (Watch Video).

The victim, a 34-year-old mother of two and a teacher at a private school had been living with her mother in MD Block following her husband's incarceration. The Times of India report highlights that the suspect was jobless and had made several unsuccessful attempts to convince his wife to return to his house. Authorities are actively searching for the suspect, who remains at large, while police investigations continue into this tragic and violent event. Bengaluru Shocker: Cops Argue Who Will Take Accident Victim to Hospital as Man Lies on Road Bleeding, Probe Launched Against Policemen After Video Goes Viral.

Women and Child Helpline Numbers: Childline India – 1098; Women’s Helpline – 181; National Commission for Women Helpline – 112; National Commission for Women Helpline Against Violence – 7827170170; Police Women / Senior Citizen Helpline – 1091/ 1291; Missing Child and Women – 1094.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 03, 2024 03:53 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website