Bengaluru, August 19: Karnataka Police arrested the accused who sexually assaulted a young woman from Nagaland, in Bengaluru, on the pretext of offering her lift, sources confirmed on Monday. The incident took place under the HSR Layout police station on the intervening night of Saturday and Sunday when the student was returning after partying at a pub in Koramangala. The police picked up the accused from his residence at Adugodi in Bengaluru. The preliminary investigation has revealed that the accused is a choreographer.
The victim, a final year BCA graduate, is being treated at a hospital. The woman had resisted the attempt of sexual assault by the accused leaving scratches all over his face. The police arrested the accused after conducting an investigation based on the CCTV footage. The preliminary investigation has confirmed that the victim was in an inebriated state. The police formed five teams to nab the accused. Bengaluru Shocker: College Student Sexually Assaulted While Returning Home After Get-Together in Koramangala, Case Registered.
The police stated that the woman was returning after attending a get together party at Chandapura on the outskirts of Bengaluru. She was travelling in a car with her friends. On Hosur Main Road, the car had collided with an auto following which an altercation broke out between the auto driver and one of her friends who was driving the vehicle. After seeing the police arriving at the spot, the victim in a state of shock alighted the car and without informing her friends left the place after pleading with a bike rider to give her a lift. On the way, she got down from that bike and boarded another bike to reach her house, the police said. Bengaluru Shocker: Woman on Morning Walk Molested in Krishna Nagar, Cops Launch Hunt, Disturbing Visuals Surface.
The bike rider took her to an isolated place near the truck parking region on Hosur Service Road and taking advantage of the situation sexually assaulted her. The victim had sent an emergency message to her friend in a state of shock. The friend informed others and tracked the location of the victim. The victim was found naked behind a truck. Her friends had noticed a stranger standing in the spot and when they tried to question him, he fled. The friends had admitted her to a hospital in Bommasandra.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 19, 2024 12:35 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website