Bengaluru, June 22: The Bengaluru police recently arrested a 30-year-old man for allegedly posting pro-Pakistan posts on X, formerly Twitter. The arrested accused has been identified as Faheem Firdous Qureshi, a resident of Kashmir who has been working in Bengaluru. Qureshi, an employee of the Bangalore International Exhibition Centre (BIEC), was arrested on Wednesday, June 19.

According to a report in the Indian Express, Qureshi was arrested by the Bangalore police for allegedly sharing comments in support of Pakistan and against India on the microblogging platform. Qureshi, an employee of BIEC, was arrested after his company lodged a complaint against him. In its complaint, BIEC also shared screenshots showing the "objectionable" comments Qureshi made on X. Karnataka: Gangster Who Had Threatened Nitin Gadkari, Thrashed After Raising Pro-Pakistan Slogans Inside Premises of Court in Belagavi.

BIEC Employee Makes 'Objectionable' Post on X

In one of the posts, Faheem Firdous Qureshi shared comments in support of Pakistan. "When "I" is replaced by "We" India becomes wendia, Meaning we will end IndiaBodied a pajeet client at work today. How is the situation no in Kasmir? Hataa dalla, cze kyuho? It’s time to take this out of the closet for tonight’s game," his tweet on X read.

I Cannot Afford India Winning Today, Said Accused Qureshi

Furthermore, Qureshi also made comments against the country in his post while extending support for Pakistan. "I know we are down and out and clearly not the favourites. But we hope lessgo greens#PakvsInd #t20USA Dear Australia, I cannot afford. India winning today living amount pajeets. Please do something,” the post said As per the report, a case was registered against Qureshi under various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).

While further investigation in connection with the case is underway, a senior police officer said that after his arrest, Qureshi was in police custody. The officer also said that the accused had been living in Bengaluru for the past 11 months. As per the suo-motu complaint, Qureshi made the objectionable posts on June 12.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 22, 2024 07:36 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website