In a shocking incident in Karnataka, a woman was allegedly molested by a police official at a police station in Madhugiri. A video of the alleged sexual harassment has also surfaced online. It is alleged that Ramachandrappa, Deputy Superintendent of Police (DySP) of Madhugiri division, behaved inappropriately with the woman who had arrived at the police station to file a land dispute complaint. The incident is said to have taken place when the woman from Pavagada visited the DySP's office to file a complaint. It is learned that the DySP took the woman to his restroom and sexually assaulted her by claiming to help with the land dispute. It is also reported that the senior police officer went missing after the video of his alleged act went viral on social media. Molestation Case: Karnataka Congress Expels Gurappa Naidu Over Sexual Harassment Charges.

Woman Molested at Police Station in Karnataka (Viewer Discretion Advised)

Women and Child Helpline Numbers:

Childline India – 1098; Missing Child and Women – 1094; Women’s Helpline – 181; National Commission for Women Helpline – 112; National Commission for Women Helpline Against Violence – 7827170170; Police Women and Senior Citizen Helpline – 1091/1291.

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