Mumbai, July 13: In a shocking incident, a 50-year-old bank officer lost her life after slipping into the gap between the train and a platform at Borivali station. According to a report by TOI, the incident took place during peak hour on Thursday morning. The deceased has been identified as Alka Patade, who working at Bank of India’s head office in Bandra-Kurla Complex (BKC).

The report informs that the local she boarded was delayed and the platform was packed, and, in the chaos, she slipped and fell. The victim was later rushed to Babasaheb Ambedkar Hospital where doctors pronounced her dead. She was identified on the basis of her official identity card.

Police officials informed that her head portion was severely injured. The report by TOI informs that Patade, who worked in BKC for the past two years, lived with her younger sister at Borivli’s Nancy Colony. Both- the deceased and her sister were single.

Sanjay Patil, senior inspector of the Borivali GRP was quoted by TOI saying that around 9am, Patade reached platform 7 of Borivli station and waited for a Churchgate-bound local arriving from Virar. “The 9.05am local was delayed. It arrived at Borivli only by 9.24am and the train was crowded”, he added. The inspector said passengers watched in horror as she slipped into the gap, and the local’s wheels crushed her.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 13, 2018 07:52 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website