Aurangabad, September 12: A man was duped of Rs 2.5 Lakh in Maharashtra’s Aurangabad district. The police have booked two accused in connection with the case. The 38-year-old victim, Subhan Khan, is a milkman by profession. The two accused have been identified as Shaikh Nadeem and Khaleel Nadeem. The accused cheated Khan on the pretext of selling a plot to him. Pune: Woman Posing as Revenue Officer Dupes Couple of Rs 27.5 Lakh; Arrested.
According to a report published in The Times of India, the accused allegedly collected advance payment from Khan. However, the accused sell the same plot to another person. They even refused to return Khan’s money. The 600 square feet plat is located in the Harsul area’s survey number 207/P. The accused agreed to sell the plot for Rs eight lakhs. Online Fraud in Pune: Techie Duped of Rs 1.22 Lakh by Fraudster Posing as Jeweller.
The victim paid the advance amount on February 15. He reportedly promised to pay the remaining amount on March 30. On the given date, when Khan went to pay the rest Rs 5.50 lakh, he came o know that the plot had already been sold to somebody else. He then demanded his money back, but the suspects started to ignore him.
Finally, the victim lodged a complaint against the accused against the duo. The Aurangabad City police registered a case of cheating against the accused. An investigation has been launched into the case. Notably, in the past also Nadeem had faced inquiries and even cheating offences for allegedly duping people. Nadeem lives behind Seema Doodh Dairy, and Khaleel is a resident of Al Tamash Colony.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 12, 2021 06:46 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website