Asymptomatic Persons Coming to Delhi by Trains Will Be Allowed to Go Home, Says New SOP For Rail Passengers

The government said the Railways will ensure that while deboarding of the passengers, social distancing norms are followed scrupulously and passengers are deboarded in a staggered manner so that they don't crowd the screening area.

News IANS|
Asymptomatic Persons Coming to Delhi by Trains Will Be Allowed to Go Home, Says New SOP For Rail Passengers
Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal (Photo Credits: ANI)

New Delhi, May 12: Allowing people having no or mild COVID symptoms to go home, the Delhi government on Tuesday issued an SOP for the passengers arriving in the city by train, saying all would be requested to download the Aarogya Setu App on their mobiles, if possible.

The Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the passengers arriving in Delhi by trains was issued on Tuesday by Delhi government's Health and Family Welfare Department. Indian Railways to Conduct Health Screening of All Passengers at Stations Prior to Boarding in Trains, RPF Says 'Data of Travelers Will be Sent to State Governments'.

"All the asymptomatic persons coming into Delhi shall be allowed to go to their respective home after ascertaining they are asymptomatic," the SOP reads.

The persons who are found mild symptomatic will be informed about the 'Self or Hame Quarantine protocol' and will be directed to undergo the self or home quarantine.

"They would be requested to download the Aarogya Setu App on their mobiles." The SOP comes as the Ministry of Railways permitted the movement of trains coming to and going from Delhi.

The SOP said the detailed list of passengers with their arrival date and time, should be shared by the Railways at least one day in advance, so that necessary arrangements for the medical screening can be made.

"The Ministry of Railways will ensure that all the persons boarding the train will be compulsorily screened and only asymptomatic persons will be allowed to board the train. At the Railway Station, maintenance of order and social distancing norms will be the responsibility of Indian Railways, the SOP said.

"Railways will set up a separate screening area with screening counters keeping the social distancing norms. Adequate number of screening counters depending upon the number of passengers arriving should be made. All required furniture should be put in the screening area and counters for the medical teams and the passengers."

The government said the Railways will ensure that while deboarding of the passengers, social distancing norms are followed scrupulously and passengers are deboarded in a staggered manner so that they don't crowd the screening area. Govt Issues Guidelines to be Followed for Data Processing of Aarogya Setu App Users Amid Privacy Concerns.

"Further it should also be ensured by the railways that the deboarding, screening and exit from the railway station is done in an orderly manner by the passengers."

It said the railways should also create a waiting area for the patients with adequate seating arrangements. It says an adequate number of medical teams should be placed at the Railway Station.

"The DGHS would provide PPE kits, thermal guns etc., to the medical teams. The team may be formed by taking doctors from the less loaded hospitals."

Also, for the persons who are found symptomatic, standard protocol for sampling, testing and quarantine SOP should be followed by the Chief District Medical Officer concerned. From Tuesday, the railways has resumed its passenger services.

The Indian Railways started the booking for 15 pairs of Special trains on Monday and earned Rs 16.15 crore from over 45,500 tickets booked within hours.

In the initial phase, the 15 pairs of trains will run as special AC trains from New Delhi Station connecting Dibrugarh, Agartala, Howrah, Patna, Bilaspur, Ranchi, Bhubaneswar, Secunderabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Thiruvananthapuram, Madgaon, Mumbai Central, Ahmedabad and Jammu Tawi.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 12, 2020 05:29 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

News IANS|
Asymptomatic Persons Coming to Delhi by Trains Will Be Allowed to Go Home, Says New SOP For Rail Passengers
Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal (Photo Credits: ANI)

New Delhi, May 12: Allowing people having no or mild COVID symptoms to go home, the Delhi government on Tuesday issued an SOP for the passengers arriving in the city by train, saying all would be requested to download the Aarogya Setu App on their mobiles, if possible.

The Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the passengers arriving in Delhi by trains was issued on Tuesday by Delhi government's Health and Family Welfare Department. Indian Railways to Conduct Health Screening of All Passengers at Stations Prior to Boarding in Trains, RPF Says 'Data of Travelers Will be Sent to State Governments'.

"All the asymptomatic persons coming into Delhi shall be allowed to go to their respective home after ascertaining they are asymptomatic," the SOP reads.

The persons who are found mild symptomatic will be informed about the 'Self or Hame Quarantine protocol' and will be directed to undergo the self or home quarantine.

"They would be requested to download the Aarogya Setu App on their mobiles." The SOP comes as the Ministry of Railways permitted the movement of trains coming to and going from Delhi.

The SOP said the detailed list of passengers with their arrival date and time, should be shared by the Railways at least one day in advance, so that necessary arrangements for the medical screening can be made.

"The Ministry of Railways will ensure that all the persons boarding the train will be compulsorily screened and only asymptomatic persons will be allowed to board the train. At the Railway Station, maintenance of order and social distancing norms will be the responsibility of Indian Railways, the SOP said.

"Railways will set up a separate screening area with screening counters keeping the social distancing norms. Adequate number of screening counters depending upon the number of passengers arriving should be made. All required furniture should be put in the screening area and counters for the medical teams and the passengers."

The government said the Railways will ensure that while deboarding of the passengers, social distancing norms are followed scrupulously and passengers are deboarded in a staggered manner so that they don't crowd the screening area. Govt Issues Guidelines to be Followed for Data Processing of Aarogya Setu App Users Amid Privacy Concerns.

"Further it should also be ensured by the railways that the deboarding, screening and exit from the railway station is done in an orderly manner by the passengers."

It said the railways should also create a waiting area for the patients with adequate seating arrangements. It says an adequate number of medical teams should be placed at the Railway Station.

"The DGHS would provide PPE kits, thermal guns etc., to the medical teams. The team may be formed by taking doctors from the less loaded hospitals."

Also, for the persons who are found symptomatic, standard protocol for sampling, testing and quarantine SOP should be followed by the Chief District Medical Officer concerned. From Tuesday, the railways has resumed its passenger services.

The Indian Railways started the booking for 15 pairs of Special trains on Monday and earned Rs 16.15 crore from over 45,500 tickets booked within hours.

In the initial phase, the 15 pairs of trains will run as special AC trains from New Delhi Station connecting Dibrugarh, Agartala, Howrah, Patna, Bilaspur, Ranchi, Bhubaneswar, Secunderabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Thiruvananthapuram, Madgaon, Mumbai Central, Ahmedabad and Jammu Tawi.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 12, 2020 05:29 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

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‘Kavach 4.0’, India’s Cutting-Edge Automatic Train Protection, To Equip 10,000 Locomotives in the Next Phase, Says Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw

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