New Delhi, March 31: Amid the nationwide lockdown, the Army Wives Welfare Association (AWWA) prepared 2,500 cooked food packets for migrant labourers on Tuesday. The packets would be handed over to government representatives in the Delhi Cantt today.
Earlier on Monday, the AWWA gave 1,000 food packets to the representatives of Delhi government, who further distributed the food packets. A large number of migrant workers have left the national capital after the 21-day lockdown was announced to limit the spread of the coronavirus in the country. Army's New Advisory on Coronavirus Says 50% Jawans, 35% Officers Posted at Military HQ to Work From Home, Order in Effect From March 23.
According to the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, 87 positive coronavirus cases have been reported from Delhi till now. As per the data provided by the Health Ministry, the total number of coronavirus cases in the country stand at 1,251.