Kanpur, January 24: In yet another incident of animal cruelty, a 20-year-old man set a stray dog on fire in Uttar Pradesh's Mathura district. The incident took place in the Sadar Bazar area on Thursday. The accused tried to kill the canine because he was annoyed as it used to bark at him regularly. Disturbing Video: Irked Over Dog's Barking, Kanpur Man Kills Sleeping Canine With Brick; Arrested After Footage Goes Viral.
According to the report published by the Times of India, the accused has been identified as Devesh Agarwal. Meanwhile, the dog sustained severe burn injuries after being set on fire. A 30-year-old milkman named Mukesh Kumar saved the animal. He reportedly took off his jacket to douse the flames and took the canine to a local veterinarian for treatment. Kumar and a local resident, Ravindra Bharadwaj, filed a complaint against the accused. On the basis of the complaint, an FIR has been registered under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act. Animal Cruelty in MP: Irked by Barking, Two Men Kill Stray Dog in Indore; Arrested.
Acting on the complaint, the cops arrested the accused on Saturday. During the investigation, cops found that the accused, who is a college student, poured petrol twice on the female dog on Thursday night. The accused told the police that he was angry as the female dog used to bark at him regularly and even attacked him once. As per the reports, the female animal recently delivered puppies in the neighbourhood and is in critical condition after getting burnt.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 24, 2023 03:49 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).