East Godavari, August 2: In a shocking incident, a couple along with their children allegedly died by suicide In Andhra Pradesh's East Godavari district. They ended their lives by jumping into the Godavari river from the Chinchinada bridge. The incident took place on July 30. The police suspect that the family of four t took the extreme step due to a family dispute. Delhi Man Commits Suicide, Blames Wife in Suicide Note For Suspecting Him of Having Extra-Marital Affair And Public Shaming Him.
A search operation was started by the police after they found a motorbike, clothes and chappals on the bridge. Till now, two bodies were recovered by the police. The search operation is underway to recover the rest of the bodies. According to a report published in The Times of India, police also recovered a suicide note written by the woman. She alleged that her family was cheated.
The deceased have been identified as 38-year-old Kanchi Satish, his 28-year-old wife Sandhya, four-year-old son Jaswin and two-year-old daughter Bindu Sri Durga. The family reportedly went missing on July 30, and a complaint was lodged by their relatives on July 31. Notably, the river is overflowing with heavy water discharge from the upstream. Andhra Pradesh Shocker: Four Members of Family Die By Suicide in Kurnool Due to Fear of COVID-19.
As per the media report, Satish worked in the Gulf till July 20 and returned to India. His wife Sandhya was living at her mother's place in Achanta along with her children. On July 29, Satish called her family to his relatives' house at Velivala in Palacole Mandal. After staying for a day, they told their relatives that they were going to Guntur. The police have launched an investigation into the matter.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 02, 2021 04:04 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).