Vijayawada, June 25: In a bizarre incident, a wedding in Andhra Pradesh was called off by the groom allegedly over caste issues. Reports inform that the ceremony was cancelled at the last last-minute by the groom’s family alleging that the bride failed to produce documents to ascertain her caste. Soon after, the bride’s family lodged a complaint against the groom and his family at Krosuru police station for cancelling the marriage in the middle of the rituals without any valid reason. According to a report by The New Indian Express, the groom called off the marriage after he found that the bride’s caste name was missing on her Aadhaar card. PUBG Saves Kerala Couple's Marriage From Being Called off; Here's Their Story.

Reports inform that the incident happened in Gadevaripalem village of Krosuru mandal in Guntur district on Sunday. A man named Munnangi Venkat Reddy, a farmer was to marry Sarada at a Shiva temple in the village. When the temple authorities asked for their Aadhaar cards to issue the marriage certificate, Venkat Reddy’s family found that Sarada’s father’s name was different on Aadhaar and other certificates.

It was revealed that in Sarada's biometric details, her father’s name was written as Pidugu Anjaneyulu, without the surname Reddy. However, other certificates cited his name as Anji Reddy.

After the revelation, a heated argument ensued which ended in the groom’s family walking out of the wedding in the middle of the ritual. Infuriated and embarrassed by the situation, the bride and her family members approached Krosuru police.

Both the bride and groom are divorcees and this was their second attempt at marriage. The groom's family claimed that they were cheated and accused the bride’s family of hiding their caste status. Meanwhile, the bride and her family said that they had apprised the groom’s family about it.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 25, 2019 02:23 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website