Krishna, January 25: A class 10 student was found hanging in the school premises here on Saturday. The deceased has been identified as Deepak Sai. According to Venkateswara Rao, Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI), Ghantasala, the incident took place in the Srikakulam village of Andhra Pradesh.
"A sweeper of ZP High school found the body of Deepak Sai, a tenth class student, in hanging position in the school premises. She immediately informed the headmaster of the school and other teachers," said Rao. He said that reason behind his death will be ascertained only after the post-mortem examination. Andhra Pradesh Shocker: Minor Girl Attempts Suicide After Being Raped by Classmates in Kadapa, Jumps from 3rd Floor of School Building.
"They informed the police and parents of the deceased. The post mortem is going on and the reason behind the death will be known only after it," he said. A case would be filed subsequently, he added.