Amaravati, January 1: In a bizarre incident in Andhra Pradesh's Parvathipuram Manyam district, a drunk youth climbed on an electric pole and lied-down on the wires. However, a disaster was averted as alert villagers turned off the transformer in time. The incident occurred in M. Singipuram village in Palakonda Mandal on Tuesday. The video of the youth went viral on social media.
The youth resorted to the act after his mother refused to give him her social security pension money. His action sent the residents into a tizzy. After switching off the power, they appealed to him to get down. The locals spent some anxious moments as the youth was on the wires for some time. He later got down, much to the relief of everyone. On receiving information, police rushed to the village and registered a case against the youth. Sambhal Shocker: Woman Climbs Electric Pole to Stop Lineman from Cutting Her Power, Forces Him to Back Down (Watch Video).
Meanwhile, a court in Telangana directed eight persons caught driving under the influence of alcohol to do sanitation work at a government-run hospital. A Mancherial court delivered an unusual judgment in a drunken driving case registered by Naspur Police. The police had arrested eight men for driving under the influence of alcohol during a drive to check drunk driving.
District First Class Judicial Magistrate, D. Upanishadwani did not send the accused to jail or impose a fine. The court asked the offenders to turn into sanitation workers. They were directed to lift garbage and tidy up the Primary Health Centre. Meanwhile, tipplers entered into an argument with police officers conducting drunken driving tests at various places on the intervening night of December 31 and January 1. Noida: Man Climbs High-Tension Pole, Escapes Injury After Contact With Live Wires in Sector 113, Video Surfaces.
Drunk Man Lies Down on Wires After Climbing Electric Pole
A #drunk 🍾man climbed an #ElectricPole in #Singupuram village, #Palakonda mandal, #Parvathipuram #Manyam district and slept on live wires on Tuesday, December 31.
A disaster was averted when quick thinking villagers turned off the transformer in time and…
— Surya Reddy (@jsuryareddy) January 1, 2025
Such incidents were reported from Hyderabad, Cyberabad and Rachakonda commissionerates. The police conducted a special drive to curb traffic violations during New Year celebrations. The drive was conducted to check drunken driving, rash and dangerous driving, overspeeding, wrong-side driving, helmet-less and triple riding on two-wheelers.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 01, 2025 03:41 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website