Agra, December 1: In a tragic incident in Agra, a 48-year-old shoe craftsman, who had been battling depression after losing his job eight months ago, allegedly poisoned his 16-year-old disabled daughter, Khushi, due to financial difficulties. He then took his own life by hanging. The shocking discovery was made on Friday morning when the man's elder brother, Indrajeet, found him hanging in the kitchen and Khushi lying lifeless on her bed at their two-storey house in Katra Wazir Khan, under the Etmaddaula police station area.
DCP (City) Suraj Kumar Rai shared details, stating, "Indrajeet informed us that Khushi, who needed help to walk, had been under the full care of her father, Chandraprakash, after his wife passed away in March 2022. To manage her care, he remarried Seema from Delhi about a year and a half ago. However, following his job loss eight months ago and his unsuccessful job search despite multiple efforts, he became overwhelmed with distress. The financial burden, along with the responsibility of his daughter's care, appears to have led him to take this drastic step. The investigation is still underway." Agra Shocker: Man Drinks Mosquito Repellent After Breakup With Girlfriend, UP Police Save Him After He Streams Suicide Attempt on Instagram Live.
Indrajeet, Chandraprakash’s brother, informed the police that their last conversation took place around 10 pm on Thursday night, after which they did not communicate further. Seema, Chandraprakash’s wife, who was at her maternal home during the incident, mentioned that she had a video call with her husband earlier that same evening at around 6 pm. During the call, he urged her to return home, expressing concern, and she reassured him that she would come back in a few days. However, the call ended abruptly, leaving her concerned. UP Shocker: 22-Year-Old Student Commits Suicide at His Hostel Room in Private University in Bareilly; Family Claims Murder.
Station In-charge Rajendra Tyagi stated, "There was no suicide note found at the scene. However, a packet containing poison was discovered in the kitchen and has been sent for forensic testing. The postmortem report confirmed that Chandraprakash died from hanging, and Khushi’s viscera has been preserved for further analysis."
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 01, 2024 01:18 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website