New Delhi, July 23: The number of terror attacks in Jammu and Kashmir has reduced by 86 per cent, that is from 23,290 to 3,187 between April 1, 2009 to June 30, 2019, the government informed the Lok Sabha on Tuesday. The information was given by Union Minister of State for Home G Kishan Reddy in a written reply to Congress MP Manish Tewari in the Lower House of Parliament. Jammu and Kashmir: Two Hizbul Mujahideen Terrorist Arrested From Srinagar.

"As compared to the corresponding period of 2018, the first half of this year witnessed a reduction of 28 per cent in terror attacks and an increase of 59 per cent initiated by the security forces against terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir," Reddy stated. 131 Terrorist Attacks on Indian Army in Last Four Years: Defence Ministry.

He said that the number of terror attacks in the hinterland during the last decade as compared to the previous decade have reduced by 70 per cent from 71 to 21."Forces have been taking effective and continuous action in countering terrorism," said the Minister.