Mumbai, June 26: Rahul Gandhi has been elected as the Leader of Opposition (LoP) in the Lok Sabha. This marks the first time in a decade that the position has been filled following a prolonged vacancy due to no opposition party meeting the minimum strength criterion required for the post. As Rahul Gandhi assumed the role of Lok Sabha LoP, he became the third member of the Gandhi family to hold the post of Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha. Before him, his parents, Sonia and Rajiv Gandhi, sat on the chair of Leader of Opposition.

Although the LoP is not a position defined by the Constitution, it bestows upon Rahul Gandhi certain influential powers. Among these is the ability to participate in the selection process for appointing bureaucrats to pivotal positions within the government. As Rahul Gandhi debuts as LoP in Lok Sabha, take a look at the responsibilities, powers and perks he will enjoy. Rahul Gandhi, PM Narendra Modi Shake Hands As They Welcome Newly-Elected Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla (Watch Video).

Responsibilities and Powers of Lok Sabha LoP:

As the LoP, Gandhi is set to undertake substantial responsibilities, including participating in the appointment process of key officials such as the CBI director, Chief Election Commissioners, the chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission, and the Chief Vigilance Commissioner. Despite the government holding a 2-1 advantage on most selection panels, Gandhi's new role ensures he will have a significant influence in these appointments.

Elevated to the rank of a cabinet minister, Gandhi will be accorded an office and staff within the Parliament building. A government booklet reveals that the LoP is entitled to a front-row seat to the left of the Chair and is granted privileges during ceremonial occasions, such as escorting the Speaker-elect to the rostrum and a front-row seat during the President's address to both Houses of Parliament. Rahul Gandhi Taking Responsibility as Leader of Opposition Is in Interest of Nation, Says Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah.

Salary, Security and Other Perks of Lok Sabha LoP:

Under the Salary and Allowances of Leaders of Opposition in Parliament Act, 1977, the LoP receives a salary along with various facilities and amenities. Gandhi's salary as the LoP is set at Rs 3.3 lakh, and he will be provided security commensurate with that of a Cabinet minister, potentially including Z+ security cover. Additionally, he will be allocated a government bungalow akin to that of a Cabinet minister, reflecting the stature of his new position. The bungalow, located in Lutyens Zone of Delhi, will have four servants quarters, two garages, a big green lawn in front and behind.

It must be noted that an opposition party needs at least 55 seats to claim the post of Leader of the Opposition in the 543-member Lok Sabha. In the previous two terms, Congress could not claim the position as it had less than 10 per cent of the total seats in the Lower House. In the 2014 general election, the Congress lost both its ruling status and the LoP position, managing to get 44 seats. In 2019, the Congress won 52 seats, again falling short of the required numbers to reclaim the LoP post. But the times have changed. With an improved performance in the 2024 election by winning 99 seats, the Congress has claimed the role of main opposition.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 26, 2024 07:25 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website