New Delhi, May 8: In a shocking incident, a 10-year-old girl allegedly committed suicide after she had a fight with her elder sister in Noida. According to a report by TOI, the fatal incident took place after both the sisters got involved in a tiff over TV remote. As per reports, the incident took in Noida Sector 12 on Tuesday morning. The victim who has been identified as Manushi Rawat was a student of class V in a private school in the national capital.
According to a report by TOI, the victim lived with her elder sister (12) and parents at the ground floor of the three-storey building. Reports by the Police inform that both her parents used to be at work while the children stayed back home alone. According to a report by Police, the two kids fought over the remote at around 8:30 am. “The younger one got angry after she failed to get the TV remote. She went inside a room and hanged herself with a scarf,” police said.
Reports state that Manushi’s grandmother rushed down and found the child hanging with the window grill. The grandmother lived at the top floor. Soon after she saw the kid hanging, she shouted out to the neighbours. The victim was rushed to Metro Hospital where doctors declared her brought dead.
According to reports, Rajiv Kumar Singh, CO Noida II, said that the body has been sent for a post-mortem and a report is awaited. It must be noted that the family has not filed any complaint in this regard.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 08, 2018 04:29 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website