Chennai, April 21 : The Madras High Court has granted anticipatory bail to actor Mansoor Ali Khan in a case registered against him at Choolaimedu Police Station. Justice RMT Teekaa Raman directed him to furnish a bond for Rs.10,000 and two sureties of like sum to the satisfaction of XVII MM Saidapet.
The anticipatory bail was granted when the criminal original petition filed by the actor came up yesterday. According to Mansoor Ali Khan, the complainant A.Pari was the son of deceased Appavoo who sold a 3375 sq.ft property at Thirukumarapuram, Kodambakkam Village, to him.
The money was paid to the deceased, it was submitted. A civil suit was pending adjudication on the matter before the city civil court, the actor said. A complaint given before the same police earlier has been closed and the magistrate concerned also informed, he said.
The son, however, filed a petition before the MM and got an order to register the complaint for the same cause, the actor submitted. He said when the same police had already closed the complaint given by the complainant's father on the same matter, how did they again register a complaint. Moreover, when the matter was civil in nature, police were calling him frequently to produce documents and other things, the actor said. Hence apprehending arrest, he approached the court.