Running a business is a big deal and a lot of work. You have client needs to tend to, problems to cook up solutions to, money to generate, salaries to pay, people to manage and resources to maintain. A big deal! And at the beginning of this journey, one could almost get frustrated into giving up.
The reason is that when one is about to set up a business, there are usually so many unanswered questions. Most times, the answers only come in when you actually get into the business. There is the question of what exactly the problem is that your business will be solving, if there is a market for that business, how to go about the branding and how to gather resources.
Still, one of the biggest worries of a startup entrepreneur is how they can get people to listen to them. This is always an issue because most of the time, start up businesses have no or very little previous record of their services and so getting people to trust the brand becomes a problem as there are no testimonies or records.
However, a popular wealth creation and sales expert from Utah, Jeremiah “The Bull” Evans has shared a hack on how budding entrepreneurs can get people to not only listen to them, but also patronise them too.
“As a young entrepreneur it is very difficult to get people to listen to you, especially when you arenʼt well known. The way I overcame this was to control what I could control! Whoever listened to me knew that I did everything I could to help bring them success. And slowly but surely, my circle and span of influence grew,” Jeremiah reveals.
Hence, the secret to getting all the attention you need as a beginning entrepreneur is to solve popular problems. Once you do this consistently and with the right spirit, it would only take a little while before the whole world gathers at your feet for value.