Mumbai, June 20: The 25-year old woman police constable from Beed district in Maharashtra who underwent a sex change operation recently and changed the name to Lalit Kumar Salve from Lalita Kumari has reportedly resumed back work from Tuesday. According to a news report in the Times of India, Lalit reported to the district superintendent official G Sreedhar on his first day after taking a long medical leave for the operation. The officer interacted with him for few minutes to understand whether he is ready to take up the work. Superintended Sreedhar was quoted as saying, "The intention behind the meeting was to find if he was ready to take up the job usually done by male cops. For now, we won't burden him with regular assignments."
Furthermore, Lalit Kumar also thanked Chief Minister of Maharashtra Devendra Fadnavis for allowing him to undergo for the sex change operation, which was initially met with strong objections from the police department itself. Due to these issues, he sought permission from the court for the same. Later the CM intervened, and allowed the authorisation to conduct the operation.
Though Lalit Kumar has resumed work, he will take some more time to recover. Reportedly, the stitches are yet to heal and he may have to undergo one more operation after six months, after which his transition will be complete.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 20, 2018 03:10 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website