Mumbai, June 1: Eleven persons, including six women, were killed when their car collided with a truck at the Kosdani ghat in Maharashtra's Yavatmal district early today, police said. The occupants of the car were on a pilgrimage to Sachkhand Gurudwara in Nanded, they said. The incident occurred in the early hours today at Kosdani ghat in Yavatmal. The deceased, including six women, were from Haryana, Delhi and Nagpur. They had come to attend a marriage in Nagpur, an official said.
After attending the wedding, they decided to visit Sachkhand Gurudwara in Nanded in the Marathwada region in a private car, he said. "Around 4 am, when the car was passing through the Kosdani ghat section, a speeding truck collided with their vehicle, in which 10 people died on the spot. A girl, who sustained critical injuries, died in the hospital during treatment," he said.
Some people informed about the accident to the Army police station, 12 km from the spot, the official said. The police rushed to the spot and the bodies of the deceased were sent to a government hospital for post-mortem. A case has been registered against the unidentified truck driver, who escaped from the spot, he said.