Tamil Nadu Teacher Eligibility Test (TN TET or TNET) 2018 schedule has been released. TN TET notification 2018 will be released in the first week of July, according to the Annual Recruitment Planner 2018 released by Tamil Nadu Teachers Recruitment Board (TN TRB). The exams will be held on October 6 and 7, 2018. The recruitment board also said the schedule is a tentative programme followed by the TRB.
TRB will be recruiting for 3030 vacancies in various positions including Agricultural Instructor, Lecturer in Government Polytechnic Colleges, Assistant Professor for Government Arts and Science Colleges and Colleges of Education and Assistant Elementary Educational Officer this year. It has now announced 25 vacancies for the posts of Agricultural Instructor and 1065 vacancies for Lecturer in Government Polytechnic Colleges. The board is also planning to recruit Assistant Professor for Government Arts and Science Colleges and Colleges of Education.
The notification for the same will be released in the first week of May. In the first week of June, TRB will notify about 57 vacancies for Assistant Elementary Educational Officer. According to TN TRB notification, the recruitment process Lecturer in Government Polytechnic Colleges will depend on the outcome of court cases going on.
The board has canceled the recruitment examination conducted on September 16, 2017, for the direct recruitment of Lecturers in Government Polytechnic Colleges notified. Notice about the same was published on February 9. The candidates who have applied for the exams have to apply again and need not pay the fees again. New candidates can also apply this time.
The notice read, "The Notification for examination will be issued during the first week of May 2018 and the examination will be conducted during the first week of August 2018. The date of commencement of online application and date of examination will be announced by TRB later." Candidates are advised to visit TRB's website and check newspapers or websites for updates on recruitment and examination.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Mar 02, 2018 05:12 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).