The Delhi Police Crime Branch arrested a father-son duo for allegedly cheating a business-man of Rs. 1.43 crore on the pretext of selling and testing Rice Puller, mainly used by research agencies. The con-men duo reportedly, told the victims that the rice puller plate could be charged by thunderbolt.

According to reports, last month, the victim engaged in garments export approached Crime Branch on coming to realise that the scientific tests were being constantly postponed. According to a report on Hindustan Times, ‘rice puller’ copper plate, fake Hazmat suits and other protective gear have been recovered from the duo.

The complainant told the Police that a few years ago, he came in contact with one person who told him about the enormous profits in dealing with Rice Puller.

Calling the copper plate a ‘rice puller’, The accused told the businessman he could sell it to NASA for Rs 37,500 crore if it ‘tested’ positive for the unique physical properties. The accused would allegedly dupe the accused, by selling a copper plate as unique, where they would coat it with thin layers of magnets.

They would then insert minute pieces of iron into boiled rice grains. The plate attracting the rice grains would fool their victims. At social gatherings, the father-son duo performed this trick, and if it drew the attention of any potential customer, they would continuously follow up with him and pose as a 'rice-puller seller'.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 09, 2018 01:38 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website