New Delhi, December 18: A Delhi court Tuesday granted bail to Manoj Prasad, an alleged middleman arrested in connection with bribery allegations involving CBI's Special Director Rakesh Asthana.
Special CBI judge Santosh Snehi Mann granted bail to Prasad saying that no purpose will be served by keeping him in further custody. CBI vs CBI Battle Explained: Why Alok Kumar Verma and Rakesh Asthana are at Loggerheads? How it All Started.
CBI case: Delhi's Patiala House Court grants bail to Dubai based investment banker Manoj Prasad who was accused of taking bribe on behalf of Special CBI Director Rakesh Asthana.
— ANI (@ANI) December 18, 2018
Manoj Prasad, arrested on October 17, is currently in judicial custody.