Yoga guru and entrepreneur Baba Ramdev on Monday inaugurated Patanjali's apparel store in Delhi. While Baba and his products are generally desi, the newly launched "affordable" Patanjali Paridhan is said to be an "exclusive one-stop solution showroom" of garments. Their brands Livefit, Aastha and Sanskar offer apparel for men, women and children including ripped jeans. Patanjali's fashion includes 3,000 products including denim, casual wear, ethnic and formals.
According to earlier reports, the company is planning to open around 200 stores across metros and smaller cities by 2020. Baba Ramdev announced the clothing line in 2016. Talking to the media, Baba Ramdev on Sunday said, "Patanjali Paridhan with several products ranging from jeans, ethnic wear to accessories will be launched this Dhanteras to counter foreign companies."
Patanjali Paridhan is the latest addition to the long line of products launched by the company:
Let’s don the ‘Swadeshi Gaurav’. Get these three Patanjali Paridhan products (1 Jeans 👖 & 2 T-Shirts👕) worth Rs 7000 in only Rs 1100 in this festive season. Join our Swadeshi movement to end the loot of multinational companies 🙏
— Swami Ramdev (@yogrishiramdev) November 5, 2018
The company said, "Like Khadi led to the freedom struggle of the country, the Patanjali Paridhan will be the carrier of a new revolution of economic independence in the country. Because clothing is not just a commodity, it's statement of our self-respect, pride personality and identity which can never be compromised in life."
Two years ago, Ramdev said, "Just because I am a baba does not mean we cannot marry modernity with spirituality, we can make, let's say desi jeans." He also said, "India and Indian values with the self-respect of home-production (swadeshi) – this is Patanjali’s identity. We recognize and respect our culture and traditions." Patanjali is also planning to enter markets of packaged drinking water, milk and milk products, and sanitary napkins.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 11, 2018 06:35 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website