Andhra Pradesh, November 14: A six-year-old boy studying in UKG in a private school fell down in a Sambar vessel and lost his life here on Wednesday."Byrapuram Purushottam Reddy (6) was the son of B Syam Sundar Reddy, a resident of Tippayipalle village. The child was sent to Vidya Niketan school at Panyam town as a hosteler. This afternoon during lunchtime, the child was running and fell down in a vessel carrying hot Sambar.

Immediately, the boy was taken to Kurnool general hospital. But the efforts did not bear fruit as the boy was declared dead at 4.30 PM," Panyam Sub Inspector Rakesh said. The police registered a case against the school management under Sec 304 A of IPC. A maid at the school described how the mishap took place. Jharkhand: Six-Year-Old Girl Suffers Heart Attack During Assembly Prayer at School, Dies.

"The maids were bringing children to the lunch hall in queues. This boy was not in the queue, he ran out of the queue. At the same time, some persons brought a vessel containing hot Sambar. This boy went today away from the queue and fell down into the Sambar vessel. The boy was so fast that he immediately fell down in the vessel within a matter of an eye blink."