Mumbai, June 26: The Union Home Minister of India has reportedly directed the security arrangement officers of Amarnath Yatra (holy expedition) to ensure that every vehicle carrying Amarnath pilgrims should have Radio Frequency Identification tag (RFID) system. The system helps track the vehicles moving along the route and give their exact locations. The decision has been taken to ensure that better coordination would be made between the security forces during an emergency situation like a terror attack or a hostage situation.

As per a news report in the NDTV, an official stated that a joint control room will also be set-up for better coordination between the Jammu and Kashmir Police, paramilitary forces and the army to ensure tight security during the two-month-long pilgrimage period.

The RFID system uses electromagnetic fields to identify and track objects attached to it automatically. "An RF tag attached to an automobile can be used to track its progress," the officials said. Moreover, the authority in Jammu and Kashmir has also decided to deploy additional 22,500 paramilitary personnel along the entire route of the Amarnath pilgrimage. Multi-tiered security arrangements have also been planned to keep a complete watch the pilgrims.

The security forces have been directed to track pilgrims' movement over the route through satellites to ensure their safety. Besides CCTV cameras, bulletproof bunkers, jammers, deployment of dog squads and quick reaction teams will be part of the security drill along the pilgrimage routes.

The Amarnath Yatra, an annual pilgrimage, usually commences when the monsoons start and continues for two months. Therefore, to track the weather conditions, doppler radar will be set up. The official added that weather updates for every two-hours would be issued, which will help the National Disaster Rescue Control Force (NDRF) to respond promptly.

Reportedly, in the Amarnath Yatra, which will begin from June 28 this year, over 1.5 lakh pilgrims registered to seek the blessings of the holy shrine. In the previous year, about 2.60 lakh devotees were part of the holy expedition and had offered prayers to the sacred shrine.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 26, 2018 12:08 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website