Phobia, the physiological thriller, starred Radhika Apte in the lead role. Directed by Pavan Kripalani, this 2016 released film had opened to positive response and even the lead actress’ performance was praised by critics and fans. She had played the character Mehak Deo, a young artist suffering from agoraphobia. Seeing the overwhelming response for the movie, the makers decided to make a sequel with Pavan Kripalani as the director. Now in an interview to a leading tabloid, the filmmaker has dropped hints of Phobia 2 cast and also if it would have a theatrical release or not. 'Sleepwalkers': Radhika Apte Calls Her Directorial Debut Short Film Coincidental.

Owing to coronavirus outbreak, there are several films across industries that have been stalled. The release of the films have been delayed, in fact, some of the makers have even decided to skip theatrical release. When Pavan Kripalani was asked if he was planning to make Phobia 2 for online-based platform, he told Mid-Day, “The current situation has changed the way the entertainment business functions. I am guessing that over the next one year, smaller films will [benefit] by having a direct-to-web release. So, Phobia 2 will most likely release directly online.” From Kaun to Trapped, 7 Bollywood Movies You Should NOT Watch During Lockdown if You Get Our Gist.

Many were even curious to know which male actor has been roped in to play the lead in the sequel of Phobia. For the unversed, a male protagonist was planned to be roped in for Phobia 2. But the filmmaker has even clarified on this. Pavan Kripalani further stated, “I had written a male-centric story, but now, I (am pursuing) a different idea with a female lead.” Now we’ll have to wait and watch who’d be that male lead for Phobia 2. Stay tuned for further updates from the world of entertainment.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 05, 2020 10:10 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website