Urmila Kothare, aka Urmila Kanetkar, a renowned Marathi actress, was injured after getting involved in a car accident in Mumbai's Kandivali region on Saturday (December 28). The unfortunate incident took place after the actress' driver lost control of the vehicle and hit two labourers working at a metro project near Poisar Metro station. While Urmila managed to escape with minor injuries, one of the metro workers died. According to the latest updates, the actress' driver has been arrested by the Mumbai Police in connection with the accident. Mumbai Shocker: Urmila Kothare Grievously Injured in Accident, Marathi Actress’ Car Kills 1 Labourer in Kandivali.

Urmila Kothare’s Driver Arrested in Kandivali Car Accident Case

According to the police, Urmila Kothare's car met with an accident around 12:54 AM on Friday when she was returning home after meeting a friend. The actress dropped her friend at Jogeshwari before heading to her destination when a man named Gajanan Pal, who was on his way home via Ghodbunder road, lost control of his near Poisar Metro station. Senior Police Inspector Anil Patil said, "During interrogation, the the driver and the actress said that a man came at a high speed and overtook their vehicle. Urmila's driver tried not to hit the speeding vehicle, due to which they lost control and it overturned."

He said that the car hit a barricade and blew up two labourers working near the metro station. A labourer named Samratdas Jitendra was killed, and another labourer named Sujan Ravidas was injured in the horrific accident. It was also revealed that Urmila Kothare is currently undergoing treatment at a private hospital in Mumbai. Who Is Urmila Kothare aka Urmila Kanetkar? All You Need To Know About the Marathi Actress Involved in Mumbai Car Crash That Claimed a Metro Worker’s Life.

A case has been registered at the Samta Nagar Police Station in connection with the case. According to a report in The Indian Express, Urmila Kothare's driver has been arrested and a Hyundai car was also seized. Blood samples have been taken to find out the exact cause behind the tragic crash.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 31, 2024 04:20 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).