Yeh Hai Mohabbatein Written Episode Update, June 28, 2018: Ishita Convinces Raman to Protect Romi Until They Find The Real Culprit

Ishita and Raman feel close to each other after so long

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Yeh Hai Mohabbatein Written Episode Update, June 28, 2018: Ishita Convinces Raman to Protect Romi Until They Find The Real Culprit
Photo Credit: Star Plus/ Episode Stills

Today's episode of Yeh Hai Mohabbatein starts with Raman(Karan Patel) asking the inspector to question Roshni the next day as she is unwell right now. Later Ishita (Divyanka Tripathi) sits with Roshni in her and Raman's room. Aliya walks in with a loose dress for Roshni to wear.

Ishita is sad as she looks around the room and she sees that Raman has changed the decor of the room. Roshni feels terrible that she was the cause of Raman and Ishita's separation. Raman confronts Romi about the cap and Ishita listens to them at the door.

Romi gets irritated at the accusations and tries searching for his cap around. He does not find the cap though. Romi tries to tell Raman that apparently someone is trying to frame him and Raman is only playing to it. Raman walks away almost convinced.

Param is frustrated that Roshni escaped his trap and he tells Simmi that he has left a clue there which would lead the police directly to Romi. Ishita sits with Raman, and they talk. Ishita tells Raman that maybe all this is not as simple as it looks as if Romi was at fault he would not have left those proofs. Ishita tells Raman that someone seems to be framing Romi.

Raman and Ishita go with the police and Roshni to the hideout from where Roshni had escaped. The inspector looks at the setup and feels that someone had plans of keeping Roshni there for long. They get the cap there which has an A on it.

The inspector asks Raman if he recognises the cap. Param and Simmi happily celebrate as they await the drama and they think that soon Raman will walk in with the police and get Romi arrested. Param tries to delay Romi as he walks out to go to the office.

Ishita walks in with Roshni followed by Raman and Param expects a drama soon. The inspector though says that they are investigating the case now and soon will reach the kidnapper. He also adds that they had got a cap there but Raman does not recognise the cap.

This leaves Simmi and Param disappointed. Later Ishita and Raman notice Pihu and Roshni playing happily. Raman leaves for office as Ishita insists. Pihu demands to have Thai curry and rice. Ishita leaves for the market to get the ingredients.

Ishita overhears Aliya and Shagun's conversation outside as Shagun had failed to hear the requirements of a client and the party needs to be organised in 5hours. Ishita offers assistance as she thinks that this is the least she can do for Aliya.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 28, 2018 09:36 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

Yeh Hai Mohabbatein Written Episode Update, June 28, 2018: Ishita Convinces Raman to Protect Romi Until They Find The Real Culprit
Photo Credit: Star Plus/ Episode Stills

Today's episode of Yeh Hai Mohabbatein starts with Raman(Karan Patel) asking the inspector to question Roshni the next day as she is unwell right now. Later Ishita (Divyanka Tripathi) sits with Roshni in her and Raman's room. Aliya walks in with a loose dress for Roshni to wear.

Ishita is sad as she looks around the room and she sees that Raman has changed the decor of the room. Roshni feels terrible that she was the cause of Raman and Ishita's separation. Raman confronts Romi about the cap and Ishita listens to them at the door.

Romi gets irritated at the accusations and tries searching for his cap around. He does not find the cap though. Romi tries to tell Raman that apparently someone is trying to frame him and Raman is only playing to it. Raman walks away almost convinced.

Param is frustrated that Roshni escaped his trap and he tells Simmi that he has left a clue there which would lead the police directly to Romi. Ishita sits with Raman, and they talk. Ishita tells Raman that maybe all this is not as simple as it looks as if Romi was at fault he would not have left those proofs. Ishita tells Raman that someone seems to be framing Romi.

Raman and Ishita go with the police and Roshni to the hideout from where Roshni had escaped. The inspector looks at the setup and feels that someone had plans of keeping Roshni there for long. They get the cap there which has an A on it.

The inspector asks Raman if he recognises the cap. Param and Simmi happily celebrate as they await the drama and they think that soon Raman will walk in with the police and get Romi arrested. Param tries to delay Romi as he walks out to go to the office.

Ishita walks in with Roshni followed by Raman and Param expects a drama soon. The inspector though says that they are investigating the case now and soon will reach the kidnapper. He also adds that they had got a cap there but Raman does not recognise the cap.

This leaves Simmi and Param disappointed. Later Ishita and Raman notice Pihu and Roshni playing happily. Raman leaves for office as Ishita insists. Pihu demands to have Thai curry and rice. Ishita leaves for the market to get the ingredients.

Ishita overhears Aliya and Shagun's conversation outside as Shagun had failed to hear the requirements of a client and the party needs to be organised in 5hours. Ishita offers assistance as she thinks that this is the least she can do for Aliya.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 28, 2018 09:36 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

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