Actress Vandana Rao, who plays Chitra in Na Umar Ki Seema Ho, feels age shouldn't be the criteria for love. The show has made all people believe that love has no barrier. When love is true, age doesn't matter. Asked if she would like to ever fall for a person who's much elder than her in real life, Vandana said: "of course yes! If ever fall in love, definitely age would never matter to me. It's about the person and the love." Actress Hifsa Sharma Expresses Her Love for Camera, Talks About Her Dream of Doing Films.

"What if a person is around your age, but he's not loyal and is disrespectful, will you happy in that relationship? No, right? Age doesn't matter when you are in true love with each other. It's all about mutual understanding and your unconditional love." Love Tractor, Bloodhounds - Kdramas Of The Week And Where To Watch Them Online.

She added: "This show stands strong for the belief. The show is changing mindset for sure as people are absolutely loving it and shaping their minds to accept love as love with no society pressure or any taboo about age differences. In the end only love matters." Na Umar Ki Seema Ho airs on Star Bharat

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 07, 2023 07:36 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website