Actress Surbhi Chandna, who plays Bani in Naagin 5, has been all over the news for her sizzling chemistry with Sharad Malhotra. In fact, the duo recently filmed a pool romance and fans were quick to compare it to Surbhi's Anika act in Ishqbaaaz with Nakuul Mehta. In Ishqbaaaz too, Surbhi's character Anika was initially in a hateful relationship with Shivaay (Nakuul Mehta) and this would often lead to intense hate-induced-chemistry-filled scenes. Surbhi Chandna's Pool Romance With Sharad Malhotra in Naagin 5 or With Nakuul Mehta in Ishqbaaaz, Which is Your Pick? Vote Now!.
With fans drawing comparisons between the actress' pool scenes with her co-stars in both her shows, we conducted a poll asking the audience which and whose pool romance scenes did they like. Surbhi Chandna is All things Stunning in Her Hot Pants and Crop Top (View Pics).
Check Out the Results Below:
While only 33% of the voters chose Surbhi and Sharad's Naagin 5 scene, 67% voted for Surbhi and Nakuul from Ishqbaaaz. Well, IB and ShivIka are an undefeated pair and clearly the winners of the poll, we'd like to give Surbhi and Sharad's jodi of Baani and Veer a chance as well, given how while IB ran for more than 2 years successfully, Naagin 5 has just begun. Just like Ishqbaaaz, Naagin 5's storyline also sees Bani tied up in a hateful marriage to Veer. The pair has received lots of love and their fandom is growing, slowly but steadily.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 21, 2020 09:50 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website