Surbhi Chandna is gaining praises from all over for her performance in the TV show, Sanjivani. But we are yet to see the actress in an uber-glamourous role on screen. Just look at her Instagram page and you will have an idea as to how glamorous and sexy she can look. Today, she took to her social media to post yet another hot picture of herself. Wearing a white pant suit and no top, Surbhi looks charmingly titillating. She is also donning a wet-hair look which is only adding more oomph to the picture. But, but, but, there is a catch. It is not Surbhi in the picture. You might not notice it unless you read the caption. Surbhi Chandna in 50 Sexiest Asian Women 2019 List: 5 HOT Pics of the Sanjivani 2 Actress That Totally Justify Her Spot Here!
In the caption, Surbhi clarifies that the picture she has shared is photoshopped. After wishing fans for New Year 2020, she thanked a fan for editing the picture. Yes, this hot pic of Surbhi is a fan edit. Sanjivani 2 Actress Surbhi Chandna Stuns in an All-Yellow Traditional Attire (View Pics).
Surbhi's picture has scored comments from TV stars like Harshad Chopda, Aashka Goradia, Sanjay Kapoor, Drashti Dhami, Rohit Roy and others. It is only third day of the year, and Surbhi is already winning the internet, be it with a fan edit.
Check Out Surbhi Chandna's Sexy New Pic Here:
Surbhi's social media game is certainly on point. No wonder she has 2.4 million followers on Instagram. With her latest picture, she is only going to add more followers to her list.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 03, 2020 07:25 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website