Sunny Leone took to Instagram on Friday to post a video of a prank going wrong on the sets of her show Splitsvilla. In the video, the team is on a lunch break when Sunny suddenly enters the dining area and asks what they were doing there as lunch break was over and that they needed to be back to work. Sunny Leone Kissed a Frog And Didn't Turn it Into a Prince, Now That's a Disappointment!
However, they don't take Sunny seriously. "Prank gone wrong #SunnyLeone #SplitsvillaX3 @mtvsplitsvilla #OnSets #BTS," she wrote. Sunny is all set to make her digital debut with the web series Anamika, helmed by Vikram Bhatt. The actress will engage in action sequences in the series. The series co-stars Sonnalli Seygall. Sunny Leone Shows off Her Well-Toned 'Jism' in Her Latest Swimsuit Picture.
Check Out Sunny Leone's Instagram Post Below:
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She is currently in Kerala shooting for the upcoming psychological thriller film Shero. Directed by Sreejith Vijayan, the film is slated to release in Tamil, Hindi, Telugu and Malayalam.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 28, 2021 02:47 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website