Varun Dhawan and Anushka Sharma, who will be next seen in Sharat Katariya's Sui Dhaaga – Made in India, are on a promotional spree. While the film is already weaving praises because of its Made In India concept, the actors are leaving no stone unturned in making their upcoming film a massive hit. As reality TV shows have now become a common platform for stars to promote their upcoming releases, after Amitabh Bachchan's Kaun Banega Crorepati 10, Varun and Anushka will promote Sui Dhaaga on the sets of Zee TV's India's Best Dramebaaz. Reportedly, the shooting has already taken place and the episode will go on air on Sunday at 9 pm.

The channel released the promo of the episode recently and we can't wait to watch it. Going by the video, we can totally say that the actors are having too much fun with the kids as they promote the film on the sets of India's Best Dramebaaz.  For the promotions, Anushka Sharma sported a black flared dress, while she rounded her look with a ponytail and subtle make-up with nude lips. Anushka undoubtedly looked absolutely gorgeous, Varun Dhawan too was at his casual best.

Speaking of the kids’ reality show India’s Best Dramebaaz Season 2, it is currently judged by Huma Qureshi, Vivek Oberoi and Omung Kumar. While initially actress Sonali Bendre was associated with the reality TV show but has been replaced by Huma after she was diagnosed with high grade cancer.

Watch the promo here:

Sui Dhaaga – Made in India is one of the most anticipated films of 2018. Helmed by Dum Laga Ke Haisha’s Sharat Katariya, Sui Dhaga is a story of a couple Mamta (played by Anushka) and Mauji (played by Varun), who stay in the heart of the rural homelands. The film, which is based on the Make in India campaign, and aims at promoting the country's indigenous textile industries, stars Raghubir Yadav, Namit Das and Govind Pandey in pivotal roles. The film is slated to hit the screens on September 28, 2018. Watch this space for further updates.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 21, 2018 09:17 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website