Ekta Kapoor, the reigning queen of Indian television, recently took to her Instagram stories to call out "actors" spreading false information about her shows. Although she didn't name anyone directly, her post appeared to be a response to actor Ram Kapoor's latest comments on her show Bade Achhe Lagte Hain. The prolific producer criticised "unprofessional actors," accusing them of spreading distorted narratives. In a strongly worded post, she urged them to "shut up". ‘Halat Bohot Jyaada Kharab Ho Gayii Hai’: ‘Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah’ Fame Gurucharan Singh Aka Roshan Sodhi Hospitalised Due to Deteriorating Health (Watch Video).
Is It Ekta Kapoor vs Ram Kapoor?
“Unprofessional actors giving interviews about my shows shud shut up! False information N skewed stories. Can only last till. I talk’…… but there is dignity in silence," Ekta Kapoor wrote on her Instagram stories. Interestingly, this comes a day after Ram Kapoor spoke about his iconic Sony TV show Bade Achhe Lagte Hain, produced by Ekta Kapoor. He recalled the backlash over his on-screen kiss with Sakshi Tanwar, revealing that despite his reservations, Ekta chose to proceed with the bold scene. Stand-Up Comedian Samay Raina’s ‘India’s Got Latent’ OTT App Becomes Chart-Topping Hit, Brings Raw Comedy and Unfiltered Content.
Ekta Kapoor Calls Out Ram Kapoor?
Watch Ram Kapoor's Full Interview Below:
"My job as an actor is to do my work. I don’t owe an explanation to anybody... My job is to follow the script... How can I say that I won’t do this? If I do, then I’m not an actor," Ram said in the interview. “Ekta is the one who wrote the scene, wanted us to do the scene... I told Ekta, ‘Are you sure? Ye television mein pehle kabhi hua nahi hai (This has not happened on television before); it was the first kiss of television, which is a big thing. And three generations watch (the show) together... but Ekta was very confident that we should do it. I said, okay, I’ll first get a go-ahead from my wife. Then I told Sakshi that, look, I will handle Ekta. If you have a problem, tell me," he added.
Watch Ram Kapoor & Sakshi Tanwar's Kiss Scene Below:
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 08, 2025 09:59 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).