Naagin 5 actor Sharad Malhotra is the newest TV celeb who has tested positive for novel coronavirus. Sharad confirmed the development in his recent interaction and is currently observing home quarantine. His wife, Ripci Bhatia, fortunately, has tested negative for the same. It's still unclear if his Naagin 5 cast members including Surbhi Chandan will be asked to get themselves tested considering the actor was shooting with them since the past many days. Sharad currently has mild symptoms and is under medical supervision. Ansh Bagri, Dil Toh Happy Hai Ji Actor, Tests Positive For COVID-19.

"They say if you stay positive good things and people will be drawn to you. Damn! Took this line too seriously. Unfortunately, I have tested positive for COVID-19, with mild symptoms and thankfully my wife has tested negative and continues to follow all precautionary measures," he said when asked about his positive COVID-19 test result. "I am in home quarantine, under strict medical supervision, so please keep me in your prayers and I promise to bounce back sooner and stronger," he added further. Kundali Bhagya Actor Sanjay Gagnani Tests Negative for COVID-19, All Set To Resume Shooting Soon.

Besides Sharad, we recently heard the news of Gurmeet Choudhary and wife Debina testing positive for coronavirus. The actor was in Jaipur recently shooting for his next venture, The Wife. The duo, like Sharad, is under home quarantine and are taking all the precautions necessary. We wish all of them a speedy recovery.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 03, 2020 08:17 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website