Actor Rishi Kapoor, aged 67, passed away at 8:45 am on April 30, 2020, after a prolonged battle with leukaemia. Rishi was a part of films and television alike. Actor Rajesh Kumar, who considers himself fortunate enough to have worked with the late actor, recalled his meeting with him. Rajesh revealed that he was often referred to as Rishi Kapoor's doppelganger. "Since my childhood, people would compare me with the Rishi Kapoor of Mera Naam Joker. With time, I am told, the resemblance only increased. I just acknowledge the fact and somewhere down the line, I feel happy that not only my personality but we’re also in the same profession. I resemble Rishi Kapoor but also I wish I could be as good as an actor he is. He will always be a star who gave movies one after the other where his performance was amazing. Be it a comedy role, romance or the action he did, it was done with so much of conviction," Rajesh said. Rishi Kapoor No More: Ekta Kapoor, Sidharth Shukla, Surbhi Chandna, Kapil Sharma, and Other Television Fraternity Members Mourn the Actor's Death (View Tweets).

Speaking about his first meeting with Rishi Kapoor, the Sarabhai V/S Sarabhai actor recalled, "His reaction was very normal and he had already watched my work in Sarabhai vs Sarabhai. I went to meet him with Satish Shah so the welcome was different. The next time I met him was during Super Nani and he appreciated my work. He said that I was a good actor and he made my day. I feel very honoured that someone of his stature has seen my work. I also met him once at RK studio when I went to meet Randhir ji and bumped into him," revealed Rajesh. Remembering Rishi Kapoor: Here's Revisiting Some Unforgettable Dialogues of The Legendary Actor From Damini, Deewana, Fanaa, Jab Tak Hai Jaan and More

Talking about Rishi's death, Rajesh Kumar said, "I am shocked and can't get over it. I have followed his work. All his films have been superb from Mera Naam Joker, Bobby to Saagar and even Kapoor and Sons. He will be missed forever," he concluded.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 30, 2020 10:04 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website