Internet sensation and stand-up comedian Samay Raina has been making headlines for the past few months with his show India's Got Latent (IGL). Samay, who already enjoys a massive fan following for his comic timing and bold personality, is creating waves with IGL, making it one of the most popular shows currently. Recently, Samay revealed that social media influencer-actress Kusha Kapila's ex-husband, Zorawar Singh Ahluwalia, is all set to enter the show as a guest. ‘India’s Got Latent’ Star Bhavya Shah, Who Is Visually Impaired, To Feature in Director Palash Muchhal’s Upcoming Film.

Kusha Kapila’s Ex-Husband Zorawar Ahluwalia To Join ‘India’s Got Latent’ as a Guest

In the latest update, it was revealed that Samay Raina's upcoming guests on IGL will feature Kusha Kapila's ex-husband, Zorawar Ahluwalia. This news comes after Samay's controversial roast of the Life Hill Gayi actress in Pretty Good Roast Show Season 1, where Samay made brutal jokes about Kusha's divorce and sex life. An Instagram post shows a screenshot featuring the upcoming guests on IGL. Apart from Zorawar Singh Ahluwalia, the list also features Mukesh Chhabra, Farah Khan, Ahsaas Channa, Bhuvan Bam, Kr$na, Ashish Vidyarthi, Dalip Tahil and Vishal Dadlani.

Upcoming Guests on Samay Raina’s ‘India’s Got Latent’


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Kusha Kapila on Her Nasty Roasty by Samay Raina

For the unversed, Kusha Kapila married Zorawar Singh Ahluwalia in 2017 before getting separated in 2023. Almost a year after her split, she made an appearance on Pretty Good Roast Show, where she faced a humiliating roast by the standup comedian. Reacting to the whole drama by sharing a note on her YouTube community and wrote, "It was done in good faith and for a friend. Nobody has been paid (neither comics nor guests) for it so the argument that people  are being paid big fat cheques to hear their insults is baseless."

Kusha Kapila on ‘Pretty Good Roast Show’:

Kusha also revealed that the jokes weren't shared beforehand and regretted not asking for a script just because her friends were involved. She called it a "rookie mistake." Kusha revealed that she chose to remain silent over the whole roast thing, but people started to believe whatever they wanted to. Concluding her note, the actress wrote, "So this is me clearing the air as much as I can and advising women artistes to have strict riders in place." Poonam Pandey on ‘India’s Got Latent’: Audience in Splits as Samay Raina Roasts Controversial Actress, Asks ‘Who Doesn’t Know Poonamji?’ (Watch Video).

The latest episode of Samay Raina's India's Got Latent featured popular TV couples and comedians Bharti Singh and Harsh Limbachiyaa, along with singer Tony Kakkar.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 09, 2024 09:03 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website