Actress Rupali Ganguly shared an adorable picture posing with Subul Touqeer to wish her Happy Birthday. Rupali took to Instagram, where she shared a selfie posing with Sumbul, who turned 21 on Friday. In the image, the Anupamaa and Imlie stars are looking into the camera and smiling. The picture had a “Happy Birthday” sticker on it. Rupali Ganguly Shares Cryptic Post on ‘Silencing the Noise’ After Sending Defamation Notice to Stepdaughter Esha Verma.

Rupali had earlier shared a selfie, which she described as “Rufee and “Anufee”.

Rupali Ganguly Wishes Sumbul Touqeer a Happy Birthday with Adorable Selfie on Instagram

Rupali Ganguly and Sumbul Touqeer (Photo Credit: Instagram)

Earlier this week, she shared a cryptic post about “silencing” the “noise of humans” after filing defamation notice against stepdaughter Esha Verma.

Rupali took to her Instagram stories, where she shared a quote, which read: “There are times when you need the silence of animals to recover from the noise of humans.”

The post came after the actress sent a defamation notice to her stepdaughter, Esha, seeking compensation of Rs 50 crore for 'maligning' her character and personal life.

The legal notice was in response to Esha's 'false and damaging statements' and the step was taken to protect her reputation. The notice mentioned that the actress also seeks compensation of Rs 50 crore.

The notice was sent by Ganguly's lawyer, Sana Raees Khan, who was seen as a contestant in Bigg Boss 17.

The legal notice addresses Esha: "Our client states that she was shocked to see the posts and comments published by you on various social media platforms including Twitter (now X), Instagram, and Facebook. Our client states that it is apposite to put the true and correct facts leading to the issuance of the present notice…"

In the notice, it has been mentioned that Rupali underwent mental trauma because of which she had to seek medical assistance and that she was humiliated on set and lost professional opportunities.

It is also said that Ganguly wanted to maintain a 'dignified silence' but was compelled to initiate the defamation notice because of how her and Ashwin Verma's 11-year-old son was dragged.

Ganguly, through her lawyer, has claimed compensation of Rs 50 crore, which her stepdaughter is liable to pay. She has also asked for an unconditional public apology immediately, failing which Ganguly has threatened legal measures.

In the notice, it was clarified that Rupali was friends with Ashwin Verma for 12 years, before he separated from his second wife, Esha Verma's mother, in 2009. Rupali Ganguly’s Lawyer Declares ‘Victory for Truth’ After Stepdaughter Esha Verma Deletes Defamatory Posts.

It was also said that the actress, along with her now husband, tried to help Esha get a break into the entertainment industry, by providing opportunities for photoshoots and making special arrangements for auditions.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 15, 2024 05:44 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website