Actor Ravi Bhatia, who is currently seen in the web series Shukla The Tiger, says that he loves donning the action avatar on screen. "I'm glad that people are loving me in an action role. I can do such roles from my heart. I always wanted to do action sequences on screen. These days I'm receiving casting calls from the South as well for similar parts," he says. Ravi Bhatia: Being an Actor Is Not Really Easy, COVID-19 Pandemic Has Made It Tougher To Get Roles.
While he feels that there will be a language barrier in the South, he says he would love to learn the language. "I feel the only barrier may be with the language. I am a good learner. I was in Indonesia before this and I learnt their language. I'm the only Indian actor with 100 per cent reading, writing, speaking fluency in their language, that was told me by directors there," he claims. Jodhaa Akbar Fame Ravi Bhatia Splits With Wife Yulida Handayani After Three Years of Marriage, Says Got Hitched in a Hurry Because She Was Pregnant.
Ravi has earlier worked in television shows such as Jodha Akbar, Do Dil Bandhe Ek Dori Se and Ishq Subhan Allah.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 27, 2021 11:15 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website