Veteran actor Shyam Sundar Kalani has passed away. The actor gained nationwide recognition after he played the role of  Sugreev in Ramanand Sagar's hit mythological show, Ramayana. The hit show very recently started its rerun on the TV, during the COVID-19 lockdown. The cause of Shyam's death is not known to the media yet.

Shyam's Ramayana co-star Arun Govil, who played the role of Ram, confirmed the news about his death. Arun paid condolence on his Twitter account. He wrote, "Sad to know about demise of Mr. Shyam Sundar who played the role of Sugreev in Ramanand Sagar’s “Ramayan”... A very fine person and a gentleman. May his soul rest in peace."

Check Out Arun Govil's Tweet Here:

Arun was no the only actor shook by the passing of Shyam. Sunil Lahri, who played the role of Laxman on the show also posted a eulogy. He wrote, "Very sad and sorry to hear sudden demise of our colleague Mr Shyam Kalani who played role of sugriv and Bali with us in Ramayan God give peace to his soul and strength to his family to face irrecoverable loss.... RIP (sic)z

Check Out Sunil Lahiri's Tweet Here:

Apart from playing Sugreev, Shyam has also essayed the role of Bheem in the hit TV show, Mahabharat. The audience also saw him in movies like Heer Raanjha. May his soul rest in peace.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 09, 2020 03:53 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website