Qayamat Ki Raat Written Episode Update, July 7, 2018: Gauri Tries to Save Laakha And Becomes Tantrik's Target

Gauri and Raj fight over the wedding

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Qayamat Ki Raat Written Episode Update, July 7, 2018: Gauri Tries to Save Laakha And Becomes Tantrik's Target
Photo Credit: Star Plus/ Episode Stills

Today's episode of Qayamat Ki Raat starts with Laaka fighting Vidyut as the latter tries to get information regarding the body of the tantrik. Gauri(Karishma Tanna) and Raj(Vivek Dahiya) are trying to reach Laakha while the family is getting the Ram statue to the temple for installation.

Tantrik asks Vidyut to keep Laakha alive. Laakha sees Gauri and screams to her. As Gauri tries to reach Laakha, he is pushed below a cliff. Gauri sees Vidyut but soon faints. Raj finds her unconscious. Laakha falls straight into the way of the idol procession.

Vidyut promises the tantrik that he would get back his pieces, but for now, they must stop Gauri from revealing the truth to the police. Gauri wakes up at home as the police wait to speak to her. Vidyut arrives too with the intention of killing Gauri soon.

Gauri speaks to the police but does not tell them about Vidyut. Vidyut is relieved to see that Gauri is scared. Gauri asks her father to pull off the wedding as she does not want her sister to marry into this family. The family is shocked. Gauri says she needs to meet Dharam before they leave.

She reaches Dharam's house, and Raj confronts her for taking a decision for her sister. He says that Aman and Karuna are ready for the wedding and Gauri should not interfere. Gauri dodges him and pulls Dharam away. She tells Dharam that she knows who killed Laakha and they should follow Vidyut.

They start following Vidyut and reach the temple. They see Vidyut get into the tantrik's den. Vidyut starts digging for the head as he finds a signal. As Gauri and Dharam watch they also see the pandit arriving in. Vidyut attacks the pandit and Dharam steps in.

They end up fighting as Gauri too jumps in. Gauri sees the box with the head. The tantrik's head orders Vidyut to drag it out of the temple before the idol reaches there. The family is getting the idol to the temple.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 08, 2018 01:57 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

Qayamat Ki Raat Written Episode Update, July 7, 2018: Gauri Tries to Save Laakha And Becomes Tantrik's Target
Photo Credit: Star Plus/ Episode Stills

Today's episode of Qayamat Ki Raat starts with Laaka fighting Vidyut as the latter tries to get information regarding the body of the tantrik. Gauri(Karishma Tanna) and Raj(Vivek Dahiya) are trying to reach Laakha while the family is getting the Ram statue to the temple for installation.

Tantrik asks Vidyut to keep Laakha alive. Laakha sees Gauri and screams to her. As Gauri tries to reach Laakha, he is pushed below a cliff. Gauri sees Vidyut but soon faints. Raj finds her unconscious. Laakha falls straight into the way of the idol procession.

Vidyut promises the tantrik that he would get back his pieces, but for now, they must stop Gauri from revealing the truth to the police. Gauri wakes up at home as the police wait to speak to her. Vidyut arrives too with the intention of killing Gauri soon.

Gauri speaks to the police but does not tell them about Vidyut. Vidyut is relieved to see that Gauri is scared. Gauri asks her father to pull off the wedding as she does not want her sister to marry into this family. The family is shocked. Gauri says she needs to meet Dharam before they leave.

She reaches Dharam's house, and Raj confronts her for taking a decision for her sister. He says that Aman and Karuna are ready for the wedding and Gauri should not interfere. Gauri dodges him and pulls Dharam away. She tells Dharam that she knows who killed Laakha and they should follow Vidyut.

They start following Vidyut and reach the temple. They see Vidyut get into the tantrik's den. Vidyut starts digging for the head as he finds a signal. As Gauri and Dharam watch they also see the pandit arriving in. Vidyut attacks the pandit and Dharam steps in.

They end up fighting as Gauri too jumps in. Gauri sees the box with the head. The tantrik's head orders Vidyut to drag it out of the temple before the idol reaches there. The family is getting the idol to the temple.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 08, 2018 01:57 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

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Karishma Tanna Hot Saree Photos: 'Scoop' Actress Channels Inner 'Desi Girl' in Lavender-Hued Saree and Neat Bun With Flowers in Hair

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