A few days back, actor Mohit Abrol in a big post on Instagram, revealed all about his unfortunate break up with actress Mansi Srivastava, his girlfriend of 8 years. The duo, who got engaged on August 21, 2016, broke up seven months ago, but until now maintained a dignified silence. However, Mohit’s post revealed a lot of details about the pair’s break-up and it even went viral on social media. In the post, it was alleged that Mansi had had an affair with her Do Dil Bandhe Ek Dori Se co-star, Arhan Behl, while she was living in with Mohit and that she had moved on with photographer Kapil Tejwani very soon after their split. However, it was taken down later. Mohit Abrol Accuses Ex-fiancee Mansi Srivastava of Cheating, Confesses He Tried to Commit Suicide (Read Post)
But Mohit claims that his account was hacked and that he was not the one who posted the message on Instagram. “I don’t know what went wrong between me and Mansi. We were engaged, and she didn’t even tell me that she had decided to call it off. I even tried to approach her and her friends to make sense of things. We lived together for eight years and I deserved an explanation. All I wanted was closure from her, which I never got. I got to know recently that she has already moved on and is dating a guy, while I have been suffering. These past few months have been extremely difficult,” Mohit told Bombay Times.
Check Out Mohit’s Post About His Account Being Hacked Below:
When the daily spoke to Mansi about the post and the reason for them parting ways, the actress was quoted as saying, “Mohit and I had been facing issues since last year, which is why I finally broke up in January.”
She continued, “I am hurt that I have to give a statement like this and have to defend myself for things I haven’t done. First, I am a self-made girl and am proud of it. I won’t let anyone snatch that away from me. It’s sad that these days, people’s characters are judged upon social media ranting, allegations are made and judgement is passed. I have always maintained a dignified silence on this topic and will do so in the future, too.” Ishqbaaaz Fame Mansi Srivastava Nails Gully Boy Actress Alia Bhatt’s ‘Mar Jayega Tu’ Dubsmash – Watch Video
“If moving on after a break-up is cheating in Mohit’s dictionary, then I’m an illiterate! Just because somebody ends a relationship, it doesn’t mean you go all out to destroy the one you said you loved immensely. A couple doesn’t decide to end their relationship without any reason. I would advise everyone to find their significant other wisely, who respects you and your family, and is loyal. Reality is actually way different from how it is portrayed. I don’t want to comment on his disloyalties or temper. He can paint me with whatever colour he wants, black or grey. He might choose to pose as a victim and earn sympathy, but I prefer to live with self-respect,” she concluded.
When prodded over her relationship with Kapil Tejwani, Mansi said, “He is not the reason why things didn’t work out between me and Mohit. It will be wrong to blame a third person if we couldn’t make things work out between us. As of now, I can say that I am thankful to my friends and family for their support in these difficult times. As far as Kapil is concerned, we have just started knowing each other and it’s too early to say anything.”
Mohit on the other hand, told the daily that he was all set to leave Mumbai and return back to Delhi for some time now. He went on to say that Mumbai reminded him of Mansi and the relationship that they shared and that he also had lost faith in love. Break-ups are messy but washing dirty laundry in public is not the right way to go about it, don’t you guys also think so?
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 01, 2019 10:04 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).