Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai actress Mohena Kumari Singh, who is the princess of Rewa, took 'bidaai' from her family after a grand reception following her wedding with Suyesh Rawat. The royal couple hosted a lavish reception for their friends and family in Rewa, Madhya Pradesh after their marriage last month. Mohena Kumari Singh and Suyesh Rawat Tie the Knot in a Royal Rajput Wedding Ceremony (View Pics)
Mohena, who plays the character of Keerti Singhania in Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, looked every inch a royal bride in her pink Rajasthani ensemble with embroidery. Suyesh wore an off-white sherwani and carried a royal sword. Mohena's choreographer friend Shampa Gopikrishna attended the reception and shared a string of photographs from the "last leg" of the celebrations. Mohena Kumari Singh Looks Breathtakingly Beautiful on Her Mehendi and Sangeet Ceremony (View Pics)
She wrote: "The last leg of #SuMokiShaadi in Rewa #mokibidaai @bertdsou And I had to be there to see @mohenakumari off..she didn't know we were coming- what a surprise she got! All thanks to @vasundhrarajlaxmi for helping us pull off the surprise -- thanks Vasu. Lots of love to my #bff Mo and @suyeshrawat. You guys were glowing! Bless you! The couple exchanged wedding vows last month in Haridwar in the presence of family and friends.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 13, 2019 03:24 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website