Actress Aditi Govitrikar, who will be seen in the third installment of Mismatched 3, said that she will be seen playing the role of actor Rohit Saraf’s mother in the series and that she certainly feels she has done her best. ‘Mismatched’ Co-Stars Ahsaas Channa and Taaruk Raina Spark Dating Rumours Once Again With Cosy Pic.

"I am truly delighted to be a part of season 3 of Mismatched. I am not in a position to give away too much about my character but yes, I am playing the mother of Rohit Saraf's character in the project,” said Aditi.

Watch ‘Mismatched 3’ Trailer:

She added: “I was quite excited about the prospect when it was offered to me and I certainly feel that I have done my best. Now, I am looking forward to the project releasing on 13th December on Netflix. Excited and fingers crossed and as always, hopeful of love and support from my wonderful audience."

Mismatched 3 also stars Rohit Saraf, Taaruk Raina, Ahsaas Channa, and Prajakta Koli who reprise their roles.

Raina will be seen reprising the role of Anmol Mehra in the third season of the series.

Additionally, the audiences are in for a delight with his pair-up with Ahsaas Channa. The series is about Rishi (played by Rohit Saraf), who is a die-hard romantic and believes in traditional ways of dating, who falls for Dimple (played by Prajakta Koli), a gamer, and eventually wants to marry her.

Helmed by Akarsh Khurana and Nipun Dharmadhikari, 'Mismatched 3' is all set to begin streaming on the OTT giant Netflix on December 13, 2024.

The first season of the coming-of-age romantic drama, based on Sandhya Menon's 2017 novel When Dimple Met Rishi, dropped in 2020. It was adapted by Gazal Dhaliwal and directed by Akarsh Khurana and Nipun Dharmadhikari. ‘Mismatched Season 3’: Prajakta Koli and Rohit Saraf Announce Release Date in Adorable Video - WATCH.

The series spoke about Rishi, a die-hard romantic who believes in traditional ways of dating, who falls for Dimple, a gamer, and eventually wants to marry her.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 06, 2024 12:45 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website